When injured, platelets will clot and help stop the bleeding that occurs. If you do not have a normal platelet count, your body cannot coagulate blood and stop bleeding.
Platelets are important blood cells in normal blood clotting. Platelet counts can be used as a screening method (early detection) and diagnose various diseases or conditions that can cause problems with blood clots. Therefore, it is important for you to have a normal platelet count to ward off diseases that might come your way.
The role of normal platelets in blood clotting
Blood is made of two elements, fluid (blood plasma) and solid. The solid part is divided again into red blood cells, white blood cells, and also platelets (platelets). Every blood cell has its own function and role. For example, red blood cells have an important role in carrying oxygen, white blood cells function to protect the body from infection, while platelets have a role to stop bleeding that occurs in the body when injured. Platelets can be found in the blood and spleen. These blood cells are colorless and have a life cycle of only 10 days. Your body will renew platelet supply by producing new platelets in the bone marrow. When a wound occurs, platelets have a role to help your wound heal. If you do not have enough platelets in your blood, your body will have difficulty clotting and stopping bleeding when you are injured. Platelet count is usually part of a complete blood count. Generally, the normal platelet count in the blood is around 150,000 to 400,000 platelets per microliter (mcL). However, the range of normal platelet counts in each person can be different. Someone is said to have an abnormal platelet count if their platelet level is outside the range of that value significantly.Causes and Signs of Low Platelet Symptoms
Thrombocytopenia is a condition where you have too low a blood platelet count. This condition can be caused by several things such as:- Leukemia
- Aplastic anemia
- Cirrhosis
- Idiopathic Trombocytopenic Purpura (ITP)
- Iron and folic acid deficiency
- Immune system disorders
- Pregnancy
- Side effects of certain drugs; chemotherapy
- Infections, such as sepsis and dengue hemorrhagic fever.
Causes and Signs of High Platelet Symptoms
Too high a platelet count in medical terms is called thrombocytosis. This can occur due to conditions such as:- Cancer
- Hemolytic anemia and iron deficiency
- Tuberculosis
- Polycythemia vera (bone marrow abnormalities)
- Gore
- Use of birth control pills
- Live in the highlands
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